VIP: Finding Important People in Images

People preserve memories of events such as birthdays, weddings, or vacations by capturing photos, often depicting groups of people. Invariably, some individuals in the image are more important than others given the context of the event. This paper analyzes the concept of the importance of individuals in group photographs. We address two specific questions -- Given an image, who are the most important individuals in it? Given multiple images of a person, which image depicts the person in the most important role? We introduce a measure of importance of people in images and investigate the correlation between importance and visual saliency. We find that not only can we automatically predict the importance of people from purely visual cues, incorporating this predicted importance results in significant improvement in applications such as im2text (generating sentences that describe images of groups of people).


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PersonRank: Detecting Important People in Images

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A generic framework for video understanding applied to group behavior recognition

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The Unexpected Unexpected and the Expected Unexpected: How People's Conception of the Unexpected is Not That Unexpected

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