Virtual Harassment, Real Understanding: Using a Serious Game and Bayesian Networks to Study Cyberbullying

by   jaime perez, et al.

Cyberbullying among minors is a pressing concern in our digital society, necessitating effective prevention and intervention strategies. Traditional data collection methods often intrude on privacy and yield limited insights. This study explores an innovative approach, employing a serious game - designed with purposes beyond entertainment - as a non-intrusive tool for data collection and education. In contrast to traditional correlation-based analyses, we propose a causality-based approach using Bayesian Networks to unravel complex relationships in the collected data and quantify result uncertainties. This robust analytical tool yields interpretable outcomes, enhances transparency in assumptions, and fosters open scientific discourse. Preliminary pilot studies with the serious game show promising results, surpassing the informative capacity of traditional demographic and psychological questionnaires, suggesting its potential as an alternative methodology. Additionally, we demonstrate how our approach facilitates the examination of risk profiles and the identification of intervention strategies to mitigate this cybercrime. We also address research limitations and potential enhancements, considering the noise and variability of data in social studies and video games. This research advances our understanding of cyberbullying and showcase the potential of serious games and causality-based approaches in studying complex social issues.


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