Vision Transformer Based Video Hashing Retrieval for Tracing the Source of Fake Videos

by   Pengfei Pei, et al.

Conventional fake video detection methods outputs a possibility value or a suspected mask of tampering images. However, such unexplainable results cannot be used as convincing evidence. So it is better to trace the sources of fake videos. The traditional hashing methods are used to retrieve semantic-similar images, which can't discriminate the nuances of the image. Specifically, the sources tracing compared with traditional video retrieval. It is a challenge to find the real one from similar source videos. We designed a novel loss Hash Triplet Loss to solve the problem that the videos of people are very similar: the same scene with different angles, similar scenes with the same person. We propose Vision Transformer based models named Video Tracing and Tampering Localization (VTL). In the first stage, we train the hash centers by ViTHash (VTL-T). Then, a fake video is inputted to ViTHash, which outputs a hash code. The hash code is used to retrieve the source video from hash centers. In the second stage, the source video and fake video are inputted to generator (VTL-L). Then, the suspect regions are masked to provide auxiliary information. Moreover, we constructed two datasets: DFTL and DAVIS2016-TL. Experiments on DFTL clearly show the superiority of our framework in sources tracing of similar videos. In particular, the VTL also achieved comparable performance with state-of-the-art methods on DAVIS2016-TL. Our source code and datasets have been released on GitHub: <>.


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