Visuospatial Skill Learning for Robots

by   S. Reza Ahmadzadeh, et al.

A novel skill learning approach is proposed that allows a robot to acquire human-like visuospatial skills for object manipulation tasks. Visuospatial skills are attained by observing spatial relationships among objects through demonstrations. The proposed Visuospatial Skill Learning (VSL) is a goal-based approach that focuses on achieving a desired goal configuration of objects relative to one another while maintaining the sequence of operations. VSL is capable of learning and generalizing multi-operation skills from a single demonstration, while requiring minimum prior knowledge about the objects and the environment. In contrast to many existing approaches, VSL offers simplicity, efficiency and user-friendly human-robot interaction. We also show that VSL can be easily extended towards 3D object manipulation tasks, simply by employing point cloud processing techniques. In addition, a robot learning framework, VSL-SP, is proposed by integrating VSL, Imitation Learning, and a conventional planning method. In VSL-SP, the sequence of performed actions are learned using VSL, while the sensorimotor skills are learned using a conventional trajectory-based learning approach. such integration easily extends robot capabilities to novel situations, even by users without programming ability. In VSL-SP the internal planner of VSL is integrated with an existing action-level symbolic planner. Using the underlying constraints of the task and extracted symbolic predicates, identified by VSL, symbolic representation of the task is updated. Therefore the planner maintains a generalized representation of each skill as a reusable action, which can be used in planning and performed independently during the learning phase. The proposed approach is validated through several real-world experiments.


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