Weakly Supervised Attention Model for RV StrainClassification from volumetric CTPA Scans

by   Noa Cahan, et al.

Pulmonary embolus (PE) refers to obstruction of pulmonary arteries by blood clots. PE accounts for approximately 100,000 deaths per year in the United States alone. The clinical presentation of PE is often nonspecific, making the diagnosis challenging. Thus, rapid and accurate risk stratification is of paramount importance. High-risk PE is caused by right ventricular (RV) dysfunction from acute pressure overload, which in return can help identify which patients require more aggressive therapy. Reconstructed four-chamber views of the heart on chest CT can detect right ventricular enlargement. CT pulmonary angiography (CTPA) is the golden standard in the diagnostic workup of suspected PE. Therefore, it can link between diagnosis and risk stratification strategies. We developed a weakly supervised deep learning algorithm, with an emphasis on a novel attention mechanism, to automatically classify RV strain on CTPA. Our method is a 3D DenseNet model with integrated 3D residual attention blocks. We evaluated our model on a dataset of CTPAs of emergency department (ED) PE patients. This model achieved an area under the receiver operating characteristic curve (AUC) of 0.88 for classifying RV strain. The model showed a sensitivity of 87 state-of-the-art 3D CNN networks. The proposed design allows for a fully automated network that can be trained easily in an end-to-end manner without requiring computationally intensive and time-consuming preprocessing or strenuous labeling of the data.We infer that unmarked CTPAs can be used for effective RV strain classification. This could be used as a second reader, alerting for high-risk PE patients. To the best of our knowledge, there are no previous deep learning-based studies that attempted to solve this problem.


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