What's a Good Prediction? Issues in Evaluating General Value Functions Through Error

by   Alex Kearney, et al.

Constructing and maintaining knowledge of the world is a central problem for artificial intelligence research. Approaches to constructing an agent's knowledge using predictions have received increased amounts of interest in recent years. A particularly promising collection of research centres itself around architectures that formulate predictions as General Value Functions (GVFs), an approach commonly referred to as predictive knowledge. A pernicious challenge for predictive knowledge architectures is determining what to predict. In this paper, we argue that evaluation methods—i.e., return error and RUPEE—are not well suited for the challenges of determining what to predict. As a primary contribution, we provide extended examples that evaluate predictions in terms of how they are used in further prediction tasks: a key motivation of predictive knowledge systems. We demonstrate that simply because a GVF's error is low, it does not necessarily follow the prediction is useful as a cumulant. We suggest evaluating 1) the relevance of a GVF's features to the prediction task at hand, and 2) evaluation of GVFs by how they are used. To determine feature relevance, we generalize AutoStep to GTD, producing a step-size learning method suited to the life-long continual learning settings that predictive knowledge architectures are commonly deployed in. This paper contributes a first look into evaluation of predictions through their use, an integral component of predictive knowledge which is as of yet explored.


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