Word-Graph2vec: An efficient word embedding approach on word co-occurrence graph using random walk sampling

by   Wenting Li, et al.

Word embedding has become ubiquitous and is widely used in various text mining and natural language processing (NLP) tasks, such as information retrieval, semantic analysis, and machine translation, among many others. Unfortunately, it is prohibitively expensive to train the word embedding in a relatively large corpus. We propose a graph-based word embedding algorithm, called Word-Graph2vec, which converts the large corpus into a word co-occurrence graph, then takes the word sequence samples from this graph by randomly traveling and trains the word embedding on this sampling corpus in the end. We posit that because of the stable vocabulary, relative idioms, and fixed expressions in English, the size and density of the word co-occurrence graph change slightly with the increase in the training corpus. So that Word-Graph2vec has stable runtime on the large scale data set, and its performance advantage becomes more and more obvious with the growth of the training corpus. Extensive experiments conducted on real-world datasets show that the proposed algorithm outperforms traditional Skip-Gram by four-five times in terms of efficiency, while the error generated by the random walk sampling is small.


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