YOLO v3: Visual and Real-Time Object Detection Model for Smart Surveillance Systems(3s)

Can we see it all? Do we know it All? These are questions thrown to human beings in our contemporary society to evaluate our tendency to solve problems. Recent studies have explored several models in object detection; however, most have failed to meet the demand for objectiveness and predictive accuracy, especially in developing and under-developed countries. Consequently, several global security threats have necessitated the development of efficient approaches to tackle these issues. This paper proposes an object detection model for cyber-physical systems known as Smart Surveillance Systems (3s). This research proposes a 2-phase approach, highlighting the advantages of YOLO v3 deep learning architecture in real-time and visual object detection. A transfer learning approach was implemented for this research to reduce training time and computing resources. The dataset utilized for training the model is the MS COCO dataset which contains 328,000 annotated image instances. Deep learning techniques such as Pre-processing, Data pipelining, and detection was implemented to improve efficiency. Compared to other novel research models, the proposed model's results performed exceedingly well in detecting WILD objects in surveillance footages. An accuracy of 99.71 mAP of 61.5.


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