Type refinements combine the compositionality of typechecking with the
We study the interaction of structural subtyping with parametric polymor...
The specifics of data layout can be important for the efficiency of
Logical frameworks provide natural and direct ways of specifying and
Polarization of types in call-by-push-value naturally leads to the separ...
Type systems for concurrent programs guarantee such desirable properties...
The importance of subtyping to enable a wider range of well-typed progra...
Session types denote message protocols between concurrent processes, all...
Traditional session types prescribe bidirectional communication protocol...
Session types statically describe communication protocols between concur...
Session types statically prescribe bidirectional communication protocols...
We briefly introduce the semi-axiomatic sequent calculus for linear logi...
Inductive and coinductive structures are everywhere in mathematics and
Session types statically prescribe bidirectional communication protocols...
Proof theory provides a foundation for studying and reasoning about
We develop a generalization of existing Curry-Howard interpretations of
We present a system of session types based on adjoint logic which genera...
Programming digital contracts comes with unique challenges, which includ...
We study the problem of parametric parallel complexity analysis of
While there exist several successful techniques for supporting programme...