In the field of Explainable Artificial Intelligence (XAI), counterfactua...
Most works on the fairness of machine learning systems focus on the blin...
In the field of eXplainable Artificial Intelligence (XAI), post-hoc
At the core of insurance business lies classification between risky and
In recent years, most fairness strategies in machine learning models foc...
Explainability is becoming an important requirement for organizations th...
This paper analyses the fundamental ingredients behind surrogate explana...
Local surrogate approaches for explaining machine learning model predict...
To implement fair machine learning in a sustainable way, choosing the ri...
A multitude of classifiers can be trained on the same data to achieve si...
Most fair regression algorithms mitigate bias towards sensitive sub
Fairness is a concept of justice. Various definitions exist, some of the...
NLP Interpretability aims to increase trust in model predictions. This m...
Today, interpretability of Black-Box Natural Language Processing (NLP) m...
The possible risk that AI systems could promote discrimination by reprod...
In recent years, significant work has been done to include fairness
In recent years, fairness has become an important topic in the machine
Whereas a very large number of sensors are available in the automotive f...
The potential risk of AI systems unintentionally embedding and reproduci...
Fair classification has become an important topic in machine learning
The past few years have seen a dramatic rise of academic and societal
Security of machine learning models is a concern as they may face advers...
Towards conversational agents that are capable of handling more complex
Post-hoc interpretability approaches have been proven to be powerful too...
Counterfactual post-hoc interpretability approaches have been proven to ...
Interpretable surrogates of black-box predictors trained on high-dimensi...
Despite having excellent performances for a wide variety of tasks, moder...
Machine learning models are increasingly used in the industry to make
Local surrogate models, to approximate the local decision boundary of a
In the context of post-hoc interpretability, this paper addresses the ta...