Song translation requires both translation of lyrics and alignment of mu...
A popular approach to streaming speech translation is to employ a single...
Data augmentation techniques have been used to improve the generalizatio...
Recently, Multi-modal Named Entity Recognition (MNER) has attracted a lo...
Entity retrieval, which aims at disambiguating mentions to canonical ent...
Recent advances in Named Entity Recognition (NER) show that document-lev...
The neural linear-chain CRF model is one of the most widely-used approac...
Knowledge distillation is a critical technique to transfer knowledge bet...
Pretrained contextualized embeddings are powerful word representations f...
Recent work proposes a family of contextual embeddings that significantl...
The linear-chain Conditional Random Field (CRF) model is one of the most...
We describe the system our team used during NIST's LoReHLT (Low Resource...
One of the major distinguishing features of the dynamic multiobjective