A General Framework for Learning Mean-Field Games

by   Xin Guo, et al.

This paper presents a general mean-field game (GMFG) framework for simultaneous learning and decision-making in stochastic games with a large population. It first establishes the existence of a unique Nash Equilibrium to this GMFG, and demonstrates that naively combining Q-learning with the fixed-point approach in classical MFGs yields unstable algorithms. It then proposes value-based and policy-based reinforcement learning algorithms (GMF-P and GMF-P respectively) with smoothed policies, with analysis of convergence property and computational complexity. The experiments on repeated Ad auction problems demonstrate that GMF-V-Q, a specific GMF-V algorithm based on Q-learning, is efficient and robust in terms of convergence and learning accuracy. Moreover, its performance is superior in convergence, stability, and learning ability, when compared with existing algorithms for multi-agent reinforcement learning.


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