A New Combinatorial Design of Coded Distributed Computing

by   Nicholas Woolsey, et al.

Coded distributed computing introduced by Li et al. in 2015 is an efficient approach to trade computing power to reduce the communication load in general distributed computing frameworks such as MapReduce. In particular, Li et al. show that increasing the computation load in the Map phase by a factor of r can create coded multicasting opportunities to reduce the communication load in the Reduce phase by the same factor. However, there are two major limitations in practice. First, it requires an exponentially large number of input files (data batches) when the number of computing nodes gets large. Second, it forces every s computing nodes to compute one Map function, which leads to a large number of Map functions required to achieve the promised gain. In this paper, we make an attempt to overcome these two limitations by proposing a novel coded distributed computing approach based on a combinatorial design. We demonstrate that when the number of computing nodes becomes large, 1) the proposed approach requires an exponentially less number of input files; 2) the required number of Map functions is also reduced exponentially. Meanwhile, the resulting computation-communication trade-off maintains the multiplicative gain compared to conventional uncoded unicast and achieves the information theoretic lower bound asymmetrically for some system parameters.


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