A Real Time 1280x720 Object Detection Chip With 585MB/s Memory Traffic

by   Kuo-Wei Chang, et al.

Memory bandwidth has become the real-time bottleneck of current deep learning accelerators (DLA), particularly for high definition (HD) object detection. Under resource constraints, this paper proposes a low memory traffic DLA chip with joint hardware and software optimization. To maximize hardware utilization under memory bandwidth, we morph and fuse the object detection model into a group fusion-ready model to reduce intermediate data access. This reduces the YOLOv2's feature memory traffic from 2.9 GB/s to 0.15 GB/s. To support group fusion, our previous DLA based hardware employes a unified buffer with write-masking for simple layer-by-layer processing in a fusion group. When compared to our previous DLA with the same PE numbers, the chip implemented in a TSMC 40nm process supports 1280x720@30FPS object detection and consumes 7.9X less external DRAM access energy, from 2607 mJ to 327.6 mJ.


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