A Triangular Fuzzy based Multicriteria Decision Making Approach for Assessing Security Risks in 5G Networks

by   Hisham A. Kholidy, et al.

The emerging 5G network is a new global wireless standard after 1G, 2G, 3G, and 4G networks. In comparison to 4G, it has lower latency, larger capacity, and more bandwidth. These network upgrades will have a profound impact on how people throughout the world live and work. The current research investigates mechanisms to protect the 5G networks to meet resilience requirements and to minimize the damage from attacks that do occur. The main contribution of this paper includes: (1) Improving the current 5G security testbed by orchestrating the security services using the OSM and Open stack, Integrating the FlexRan with the testbed components to control and manage the eNodeB, and implementing some real-time security experiments to test and validate the testbed. (2) Develop an intelligent fuzzy method to improve the accuracy of the current Vulnerability Assessment Approach (VAA) using a new approach that integrates the Triangular Fuzzy Numbers (TFNs) and a multi-criteria decision-making technique to find the attack graph paths where the attack most probably will propagate in the 5G network.


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