Accelerate iterated filtering

by   Dao Nguyen, et al.

In simulation-based inferences for partially observed Markov process models (POMP), the by-product of the Monte Carlo filtering is an approximation of the log likelihood function. Recently, iterated filtering [14, 13] has originally been introduced and it has been shown that the gradient of the log likelihood can also be approximated. Consequently, different stochastic optimization algorithm can be applied to estimate the parameters of the underlying models. As accelerated gradient is an efficient approach in the optimization literature, we show that we can accelerate iterated filtering in the same manner and inherit that high convergence rate while relaxing the restricted conditions of unbiased gradient approximation. We show that this novel algorithm can be applied to both convex and non-convex log likelihood functions. In addition, this approach has substantially outperformed most of other previous approaches in a toy example and in a challenging scientific problem of modeling infectious diseases.


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