Adv-Inpainting: Generating Natural and Transferable Adversarial Patch via Attention-guided Feature Fusion

by   Yanjie Li, et al.

The rudimentary adversarial attacks utilize additive noise to attack facial recognition (FR) models. However, because manipulating the total face is impractical in the physical setting, most real-world FR attacks are based on adversarial patches, which limit perturbations to a small area. Previous adversarial patch attacks often resulted in unnatural patterns and clear boundaries that were easily noticeable. In this paper, we argue that generating adversarial patches with plausible content can result in stronger transferability than using additive noise or directly sampling from the latent space. To generate natural-looking and highly transferable adversarial patches, we propose an innovative two-stage coarse-to-fine attack framework called Adv-Inpainting. In the first stage, we propose an attention-guided StyleGAN (Att-StyleGAN) that adaptively combines texture and identity features based on the attention map to generate high-transferable and natural adversarial patches. In the second stage, we design a refinement network with a new boundary variance loss to further improve the coherence between the patch and its surrounding area. Experiment results demonstrate that Adv-Inpainting is stealthy and can produce adversarial patches with stronger transferability and improved visual quality than previous adversarial patch attacks.


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