Adversarial Feature Learning of Online Monitoring Data for Operation Reliability Assessment in Distribution Network

by   Xin Shi, et al.

With deployments of online monitoring systems in distribution networks, massive amounts of data collected through them contain rich information on the operating status of distribution networks. By leveraging the data, based on bidirectional generative adversarial networks (BiGANs), we propose an unsupervised approach for online distribution reliability assessment. It is capable of discovering the latent structure and automatically learning the most representative features of the spatio-temporal data in distribution networks in an adversarial way and it does not rely on any assumptions of the input data. Based on the extracted features, a statistical magnitude for them is calculated to indicate the data behavior. Furthermore, distribution reliability states are divided into different levels and we combine them with the calculated confidence level 1-α, during which clear criteria is defined empirically. Case studies on both synthetic data and real-world online monitoring data show that our proposed approach is feasible for the assessment of distribution operation reliability and outperforms other existed techniques.


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