An Adaptive Control Strategy for Neural Network based Optimal Quadcopter Controllers

by   Robin Ferede, et al.

Developing optimal controllers for aggressive high-speed quadcopter flight is a major challenge in the field of robotics. Recent work has shown that neural networks trained with supervised learning can achieve real-time optimal control in some specific scenarios. In these methods, the networks (termed G CNets) are trained to learn the optimal state feedback from a dataset of optimal trajectories. An important problem with these methods is the reality gap encountered in the sim-to-real transfer. In this work, we trained G CNets for energy-optimal end-to-end control on the Bebop drone and identified the unmodeled pitch moment as the main contributor to the reality gap. To mitigate this, we propose an adaptive control strategy that works by learning from optimal trajectories of a system affected by constant external pitch, roll and yaw moments. In real test flights, this model mismatch is estimated onboard and fed to the network to obtain the optimal rpm command. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our method by performing energy-optimal hover-to-hover flights with and without moment feedback. Finally, we compare the adaptive controller to a state-of-the-art differential-flatness-based controller in a consecutive waypoint flight and demonstrate the advantages of our method in terms of energy optimality and robustness.


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