An Auditability, Transparent, and Privacy-Preserving for Supply Chain Traceability Based on Blockchain

by   Bora Bugra Sezer, et al.

Traceability and auditability are key structures that are vital in supply chain management and construction. However, trust is the most important aspect of customers in these systems. Also, we have to rely on third parties to trade in centralized systems. Although current exist frameworks for these solutions in the supply chain, these have work poor traceability and lack of real-time information, and especially lack of privacy-preserving. In this paper, we propose a privacy-preserving framework for supply chain traceability that using smart contracts. Development processes, model implementation, and smart contracts are presented in detail and we show cryptographic techniques in these technologies to address the aforementioned. Finally, thanks to traceability and auditability, customers and other parties can view with a single product ID and also verified with digital signature the claims of the actors in the system.


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