An Induced Multi-Relational Framework for Answer Selection in Community Question Answer Platforms

by   Kanika Narang, et al.

This paper addresses the question of identifying the best candidate answer to a question on Community Question Answer (CQA) forums. The problem is important because Individuals often visit CQA forums to seek answers to nuanced questions. We develop a novel induced relational graph convolutional network (IR-GCN) framework to address the question. We make three contributions. First, we introduce a modular framework that separates the construction of the graph with the label selection mechanism. We use equivalence relations to induce a graph comprising cliques and identify two label assignment mechanisms—label contrast, label sharing. Then, we show how to encode these assignment mechanisms in GCNs. Second, we show that encoding contrast creates discriminative magnification—enhancing the separation between nodes in the embedding space. Third, we show a surprising result—boosting techniques improve learning over familiar stacking, fusion, or aggregation approaches for neural architectures. We show strong results over the state-of-the-art neural baselines in extensive experiments on 50 StackExchange communities.


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