Analyzing Journal Category Assignment Using a Paper-level Classification System: Multidisciplinary Sciences Journals

by   Jiandong Zhang, et al.

In the field of scientometrics, the subject classification system of academic journals holds great importance. Accurate identification and classification of "multidisciplinary" journals are crucial in revealing the scientific structure and evaluating journals. Based on data from the Web of Science database from 2016 to 2020, we calculated the disciplinary diversity of journals using the paper-level subject classification system, then conducted a systematic analysis of JCR multidisciplinary journals. Studies showed that most multidisciplinary journals have high disciplinary diversity, while non-multidisciplinary journals tend to have relatively lower diversity. Some multidisciplinary journals with low disciplinary diversities may misclassify disciplines. In addition, there are inconsistencies in the diversity of journal disciplines at different granularities. Our study also visually analyzed the four types of diversity distribution tendencies of multidisciplinary journals. Moreover, ten potential multidisciplinary journals were found in non-multidisciplinary categories.


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