Approximating the Hotelling Observer with Autoencoder-Learned Efficient Channels for Binary Signal Detection Tasks

by   Jason L. Granstedt, et al.

The objective assessment of image quality (IQ) has been advocated for the analysis and optimization of medical imaging systems. One method of obtaining such IQ metrics is through a mathematical observer. The Bayesian ideal observer is optimal by definition for signal detection tasks, but is frequently both intractable and non-linear. As an alternative, linear observers are sometimes used for task-based image quality assessment. The optimal linear observer is the Hotelling observer (HO). The computational cost of calculating the HO increases with image size, making a reduction in the dimensionality of the data desirable. Channelized methods have become popular for this purpose, and many competing methods are available for computing efficient channels. In this work, a novel method for learning channels using an autoencoder (AE) is presented. AEs are a type of artificial neural network (ANN) that are frequently employed to learn concise representations of data to reduce dimensionality. Modifying the traditional AE loss function to focus on task-relevant information permits the development of efficient AE-channels. These AE-channels were trained and tested on a variety of signal shapes and backgrounds to evaluate their performance. In the experiments, the AE-learned channels were competitive with and frequently outperformed other state-of-the-art methods for approximating the HO. The performance gains were greatest for the datasets with a small number of training images and noisy estimates of the signal image. Overall, AEs are demonstrated to be competitive with state-of-the-art methods for generating efficient channels for the HO and can have superior performance on small datasets.


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