ASYMP: Fault-tolerant Mining of Massive Graphs

by   Eduardo Fleury, et al.

We present ASYMP, a distributed graph processing system developed for the timely analysis of graphs with trillions of edges. ASYMP has several distinguishing features including a robust fault tolerance mechanism, a lockless architecture which scales seamlessly to thousands of machines, and efficient data access patterns to reduce per-machine overhead. ASYMP is used to analyze the largest graphs at Google, and the graphs we consider in our empirical evaluation here are, to the best of our knowledge, the largest considered in the literature. Our experimental results show that compared to previous graph processing frameworks at Google, ASYMP can scale to larger graphs, operate on more crowded clusters, and complete real-world graph mining analytic tasks faster. First, we evaluate the speed of ASYMP, where we show that across a diverse selection of graphs, it runs Connected Component 3-50x faster than state of the art implementations in MapReduce and Pregel. Then we demonstrate the scalability and parallelism of this framework: first by showing that the running time increases linearly by increasing the size of the graphs (without changing the number of machines), and then by showing the gains in running time while increasing the number of machines. Finally, we demonstrate the fault-tolerance properties for the framework, showing that inducing 50 increases the running time by only 41


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