Automated Customized Bug-Benchmark Generation

by   Vineeth Kashyap, et al.

We introduce Bug-Injector, a system that automatically creates benchmarks for customized evaluation of static analysis tools. We share a benchmark generated using Bug-Injector and illustrate its efficacy by using it to evaluate the recall of leading open-source static analysis tools. Bug-Injector works by inserting bugs based on bug templates into real-world host programs. It searches dynamic program traces of the host program for points where the dynamic state satisfies a bug template's preconditions and modifies related host program's code to inject a bug based on the template. Every generated test case is accompanied by a program input whose trace has been shown to contain a dynamically-observed state triggering the injected bug. This approach allows us to generate on-demand test suites that meet a broad range of requirements and desiderata for bug benchmarks that we have identified. It also allows us to create customized benchmarks suitable for evaluating tools for a specific use case (i.e., a given codebase and bug types). Our experimental evaluation demonstrates the suitability of our generated test suites for evaluating static bug-detection tools and for comparing the performance of multiple tools.


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