Automated Pavement Crack Segmentation Using Fully Convolutional U-Net with a Pretrained ResNet-34 Encoder

by   Stephen L. H. Lau, et al.

Automated pavement crack segmentation is a challenging task because of inherent irregular patterns and lighting conditions, in addition to the presence of noise in images. Conventional approaches require a substantial amount of feature engineering to differentiate crack regions from non-affected regions. In this paper, we propose a deep learning technique based on a convolutional neural network to perform segmentation tasks on pavement crack images. Our approach requires minimal feature engineering compared to other machine learning techniques. The proposed neural network architecture is a modified U-Net in which the encoder is replaced with a pretrained ResNet-34 network. To minimize the dice coefficient loss function, we optimize the parameters in the neural network by using an adaptive moment optimizer called AdamW. Additionally, we use a systematic method to find the optimum learning rate instead of doing parametric sweeps. We used a "one-cycle" training schedule based on cyclical learning rates to speed up the convergence. We evaluated the performance of our convolutional neural network on CFD, a pavement crack image dataset. Our method achieved an F1 score of about 96 This is the best performance among all other algorithms tested on this dataset, outperforming the previous best method by a 1.7


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