Automatic creation of urban velocity fields from aerial video

by   Edward Rosten, et al.

In this paper, we present a system for modelling vehicle motion in an urban scene from low frame-rate aerial video. In particular, the scene is modelled as a probability distribution over velocities at every pixel in the image. We describe the complete system for acquiring this model. The video is captured from a helicopter and stabilized by warping the images to match an orthorectified image of the area. A pixel classifier is applied to the stabilized images, and the response is segmented to determine car locations and orientations. The results are fed in to a tracking scheme which tracks cars for three frames, creating tracklets. This allows the tracker to use a combination of velocity, direction, appearance, and acceleration cues to keep only tracks likely to be correct. Each tracklet provides a measurement of the car velocity at every point along the tracklet's length, and these are then aggregated to create a histogram of vehicle velocities at every pixel in the image. The results demonstrate that the velocity probability distribution prior can be used to infer a variety of information about road lane directions, speed limits, vehicle speeds and common trajectories, and traffic bottlenecks, as well as providing a means of describing environmental knowledge about traffic rules that can be used in tracking.


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