Bayesian Model Selection for Ultrahigh-Dimensional Doubly-Intractable Distributions with an Application to Network Psychometrics

by   Jaewoo Park, et al.

Doubly intractable distributions commonly arise in many complex statistical models in physics, epidemiology, ecology, social science, among other disciplines. With an increasing number of model parameters, they often result in ultrahigh-dimensional posterior distributions; this is a challenging problem and is crucial for developing the computationally feasible approach. A particularly important application of ultrahigh-dimensional doubly intractable models is network psychometrics, which gets attention in item response analysis. However, its parameter estimation method, maximum pseudo-likelihood estimator (MPLE) combining with lasso certainly ignores the dependent structure, so that it is inaccurate. To tackle this problem, we propose a novel Markov chain Monte Carlo methods by using Bayesian variable selection methods to identify strong interactions automatically. With our new algorithm, we address some inferential and computational challenges: (1) likelihood functions involve doubly-intractable normalizing functions, and (2) increasing number of items can lead to ultrahigh dimensionality in the model. We illustrate the application of our approaches to challenging simulated and real item response data examples for which studying local dependence is very difficult. The proposed algorithm shows significant inferential gains over existing methods in the presence of strong dependence among items.


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