Bayesian spatial+: A joint model perspective

by   Isa Marques, et al.

A common phenomenon in spatial regression models is spatial confounding. This phenomenon occurs when spatially indexed covariates modeling the mean of the response are correlated with a spatial effect included in the model. spatial+ Dupont et al. (2022) is a popular approach to reducing spatial confounding. spatial+ is a two-stage frequentist approach that explicitly models the spatial structure in the confounded covariate, removes it, and uses the corresponding residuals in the second stage. In a frequentist setting, there is no uncertainty propagation from the first stage estimation determining the residuals since only point estimates are used. Inference can also be cumbersome in a frequentist setting, and some of the gaps in the original approach can easily be remedied in a Bayesian framework. First, a Bayesian joint model can easily achieve uncertainty propagation from the first to the second stage of the model. In a Bayesian framework, we also have the tools to infer the model's parameters directly. Notably, another advantage of using a Bayesian framework we thoroughly explore is the ability to use prior information to impose restrictions on the spatial effects rather than applying them directly to their posterior. We build a joint prior for the smoothness of all spatial effects that simultaneously shrinks towards a high smoothness of the response and imposes that the spatial effect in the response is a smoother of the confounded covariates' spatial effect. This prevents the response from operating at a smaller scale than the covariate and can help to avoid situations where there is insufficient variation in the residuals resulting from the first stage model. We evaluate the performance of the Bayesian spatial+ via both simulated and real datasets.


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