Best Practices for Noise-Based Augmentation to Improve the Performance of Emotion Recognition "In the Wild"

by   Mimansa Jaiswal, et al.

Emotion recognition as a key component of high-stake downstream applications has been shown to be effective, such as classroom engagement or mental health assessments. These systems are generally trained on small datasets collected in single laboratory environments, and hence falter when tested on data that has different noise characteristics. Multiple noise-based data augmentation approaches have been proposed to counteract this challenge in other speech domains. But, unlike speech recognition and speaker verification, in emotion recognition, noise-based data augmentation may change the underlying label of the original emotional sample. In this work, we generate realistic noisy samples of a well known emotion dataset (IEMOCAP) using multiple categories of environmental and synthetic noise. We evaluate how both human and machine emotion perception changes when noise is introduced. We find that some commonly used augmentation techniques for emotion recognition significantly change human perception, which may lead to unreliable evaluation metrics such as evaluating efficiency of adversarial attack. We also find that the trained state-of-the-art emotion recognition models fail to classify unseen noise-augmented samples, even when trained on noise augmented datasets. This finding demonstrates the brittleness of these systems in real-world conditions. We propose a set of recommendations for noise-based augmentation of emotion datasets and for how to deploy these emotion recognition systems "in the wild".


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