Bicycling As A Mode Of Transport In Dhaka City Status And Prospects

by   S. M. Haroon, et al.

This study aims to find out the current status and prospects of using a bicycle as a mode for commuting within Dhaka city. Bicycling is a very sustainable mode of transport but unfortunately is used very less by the commuters of Dhaka. There has been a lot of factors affecting the choice of bicycle to commute. This study was aimed to find out what factors could motivate the commuters of Dhaka to use a bicycle as a mode of transport. For determining the motivators, a survey was administered among the commuters of Dhaka city in which the respondents were asked to answer how certain factors would affect their choice to use a bicycle to commute. A Likert scale was used in the survey and the responses were analyzed, from which the top motivators were found. The Motivators were then grouped together using exploratory factor analysis to support possible policy making. Four factors were extracted using the method. The factors were named Additional Perks, General benefits, Personal Benefits, and Infrastructural benefits


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