Boundary control of time-harmonic eddy current equations

by   Harbir Antil, et al.

Motivated by various applications, this article develops the notion of boundary control for Maxwell's equations in the frequency domain. Surface curl is shown to be the appropriate regularization in order for the optimal control problem to be well-posed. Since, all underlying variables are assumed to be complex valued, the standard results on differentiability do not directly apply. Instead, we extend the notion of Wirtinger derivatives to complexified Hilbert spaces. Optimality conditions are rigorously derived and higher order boundary regularity of the adjoint variable is established. The state and adjoint variables are discretized using higher order Nédélec finite elements. The finite element space for controls is identified, as a space, which preserves the structure of the control regularization. Convergence of the fully discrete scheme is established. The theory is validated by numerical experiments, in some cases, motivated by realistic applications.


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