Building Information Modeling Using Constraint Logic Programming

by   Joaquín Arias, et al.

Building Information Modeling (BIM) produces three-dimensional models of buildings combining the geometrical information with a wide range of properties. BIM is slowly but inevitably revolutionizing the architecture, engineering, and construction (AEC) industry. Buildings need to be compliant with regulations about stability, safety, and environmental impact. Manual compliance checking is tedious and error-prone, and amending flaws discovered only at construction time causes huge additional costs and delays. Several tools can check BIM models for conformance with rules/guidelines. For example, Singapore's CORENET e-Submission System checks fire safety. But since the current BIM exchange format only contains basic information of building objects, a separate, ad-hoc model pre-processing is required to determine, e.g., evacuation routes. Moreover, they face difficulties in adapting existing built-in rules and/or adding new ones (to cater for building regulations, that can vary not only among countries but also among parts of the same city), if at all possible. We propose the use of logic-based executable formalisms (CLP and Constraint ASP) to couple BIM models with advanced knowledge representation and reasoning capabilities. Previous experience shows that such formalisms can be used to uniformly capture and reason with knowledge (including ambiguity) in a large variety of domains. Additionally, incorporating checking within design tools makes it possible to ensure that models are rule-compliant at every step. This also prevents erroneous designs from having to be (partially) redone, which is also costly and burdensome. To validate our proposal, we implemented a preliminary reasoner under CLP(Q/R) and ASP with constraints and evaluated it with several BIM models. Under consideration for acceptance in Theory and Practice of Logic Programming (TPLP).


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