Cascaded Recurrent Neural Networks for Hyperspectral Image Classification

by   Renlong Hang, et al.

By considering the spectral signature as a sequence, recurrent neural networks (RNNs) have been successfully used to learn discriminative features from hyperspectral images (HSIs) recently. However, most of these models only input the whole spectral bands into RNNs directly, which may not fully explore the specific properties of HSIs. In this paper, we propose a cascaded RNN model using gated recurrent units (GRUs) to explore the redundant and complementary information of HSIs. It mainly consists of two RNN layers. The first RNN layer is used to eliminate redundant information between adjacent spectral bands, while the second RNN layer aims to learn the complementary information from non-adjacent spectral bands. To improve the discriminative ability of the learned features, we design two strategies for the proposed model. Besides, considering the rich spatial information contained in HSIs, we further extend the proposed model to its spectral-spatial counterpart by incorporating some convolutional layers. To test the effectiveness of our proposed models, we conduct experiments on two widely used HSIs. The experimental results show that our proposed models can achieve better results than the compared models.


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