CFNet: Learning Correlation Functions for One-Stage Panoptic Segmentation

by   Yifeng Chen, et al.

Recently, there is growing attention on one-stage panoptic segmentation methods which aim to segment instances and stuff jointly within a fully convolutional pipeline efficiently. However, most of the existing works directly feed the backbone features to various segmentation heads ignoring the demands for semantic and instance segmentation are different: The former needs semantic-level discriminative features, while the latter requires features to be distinguishable across instances. To alleviate this, we propose to first predict semantic-level and instance-level correlations among different locations that are utilized to enhance the backbone features, and then feed the improved discriminative features into the corresponding segmentation heads, respectively. Specifically, we organize the correlations between a given location and all locations as a continuous sequence and predict it as a whole. Considering that such a sequence can be extremely complicated, we adopt Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT), a tool that can approximate an arbitrary sequence parameterized by amplitudes and phrases. For different tasks, we generate these parameters from the backbone features in a fully convolutional way which is optimized implicitly by corresponding tasks. As a result, these accurate and consistent correlations contribute to producing plausible discriminative features which meet the requirements of the complicated panoptic segmentation task. To verify the effectiveness of our methods, we conduct experiments on several challenging panoptic segmentation datasets and achieve state-of-the-art performance on MS COCO with 45.1% PQ and ADE20k with 32.6% PQ.


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