Channel Modeling for Multi-Receiver Molecular Communication Systems

by   Gokberk Yaylali, et al.

Molecular Communication via Diffusion (MCvD) is a prominent small-scale technology, which roots from the nature. Molecular single-input-single-output (SISO) topology is one of the most studied molecular networks in the literature, with solid analytical foundations on channel behavior and advanced modulation techniques. Although molecular SISO topologies are well-studied, the literature is yet to provide sufficient analytical modeling on multiple-output systems with fully absorbing receivers. In this paper, a comprehensive recursive model for channel estimation and modeling of molecular single-input-multiple-output (SIMO) systems is proposed as a sufficiently accurate channel approximation method. With its recursive nature, the model is used to estimate the channel behavior of molecular SIMO systems. A simplified approximation model is also presented with reduced computational requirements, resulting in slightly less accurate channel estimation. Analytical expressions for both models are derived. The performance of the proposed methods are evaluated via topological analysis and error metrics, and the methods show promising results on channel estimation compared to computer-simulated data. Furthermore, the approximation matches quite well with the comprehensive model, which indicates significant success in terms of model performance.


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