Characteristic specific prioritized dynamic average burst round robin scheduling for uniprocessor and multiprocessor environment
CPU scheduling is one of the most crucial operations performed by operating systems. Different conventional algorithms like FCFS, SJF, Priority, and RR (Round Robin) are available for CPU Scheduling. The effectiveness of Priority and Round Robin scheduling algorithm completely depends on selection of priority features of processes and on the choice of time quantum. In this paper a new CPU scheduling algorithm has been proposed, named as CSPDABRR (Characteristic specific Prioritized Dynamic Average Burst Round Robin), that uses seven priority features for calculating priority of processes and uses dynamic time quantum instead of static time quantum used in RR. The performance of the proposed algorithm is experimentally compared with traditional RR and Priority scheduling algorithm in both uni-processor and multi-processor environment. The results of our approach presented in this paper demonstrate improved performance in terms of average waiting time, average turnaround time, and optimal priority feature.