Coded Caching via Line Graphs of Bipartite Graphs

by   Prasad Krishnan, et al.

We present a coded caching framework using line graphs of bipartite graphs. A clique cover of the line graph describes the uncached subfiles at users. A clique cover of the complement of the square of the line graph gives a transmission scheme that satisfies user demands. We then define a specific class of such caching line graphs, for which the subpacketization, rate, and uncached fraction of the coded caching problem can be captured via its graph theoretic parameters. We present a construction of such caching line graphs using projective geometry. The presented scheme has a rate bounded from above by a constant with subpacketization level q^O((log_qK)^2) and uncached fraction Θ(1/√(K)), where K is the number of users and q is a prime power. We also present a subpacketization-dependent lower bound on the rate of coded caching schemes for a given broadcast setup.


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