Collaborative Residual Metric Learning

by   Tianjun Wei, et al.

In collaborative filtering, distance metric learning has been applied to matrix factorization techniques with promising results. However, matrix factorization lacks the ability of capturing collaborative information, which has been remarked by recent works and improved by interpreting user interactions as signals. This paper aims to find out how metric learning connect to these signal-based models. By adopting a generalized distance metric, we discovered that in signal-based models, it is easier to estimate the residual of distances, which refers to the difference between the distances from a user to a target item and another item, rather than estimating the distances themselves. Further analysis also uncovers a link between the normalization strength of interaction signals and the novelty of recommendation, which has been overlooked by existing studies. Based on the above findings, we propose a novel model to learn a generalized distance user-item distance metric to capture user preference in interaction signals by modeling the residuals of distance. The proposed CoRML model is then further improved in training efficiency by a newly introduced approximated ranking weight. Extensive experiments conducted on 4 public datasets demonstrate the superior performance of CoRML compared to the state-of-the-art baselines in collaborative filtering, along with high efficiency and the ability of providing novelty-promoted recommendations, shedding new light on the study of metric learning-based recommender systems.


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