Communication over Random-Parameter Quantum Channels with Parameter Estimation

by   Uzi Pereg, et al.

Communication over a random-parameter quantum channel when the decoder is required to reconstruct the parameter sequence is considered. We study scenarios that include either strictly-causal, causal, or non-causal channel side information (CSI) available at the encoder, and also when CSI is not available. This model is the quantum counterpart of the classical rate-and-state channel with state estimation at the decoder. Regularized formulas for the capacity-distortion regions are derived. In the special case of measurement channels, a single-letter characterization is derived for the strictly-causal and causal settings. Furthermore, in the more general case of entanglement-breaking channels, a single-letter characterization is derived when CSI is not available. As a consequence, we obtain regularized formulas for the capacity of random-parameter quantum channels with CSI, generalizing previous results by Boche et al. on classical-quantum channels.


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