Comparative Analysis of Epileptic Seizure Prediction: Exploring Diverse Pre-Processing Techniques and Machine Learning Models

by   Md. Simul Hasan Talukder, et al.

Epilepsy is a prevalent neurological disorder characterized by recurrent and unpredictable seizures, necessitating accurate prediction for effective management and patient care. Application of machine learning (ML) on electroencephalogram (EEG) recordings, along with its ability to provide valuable insights into brain activity during seizures, is able to make accurate and robust seizure prediction an indispensable component in relevant studies. In this research, we present a comprehensive comparative analysis of five machine learning models - Random Forest (RF), Decision Tree (DT), Extra Trees (ET), Logistic Regression (LR), and Gradient Boosting (GB) - for the prediction of epileptic seizures using EEG data. The dataset underwent meticulous preprocessing, including cleaning, normalization, outlier handling, and oversampling, ensuring data quality and facilitating accurate model training. These preprocessing techniques played a crucial role in enhancing the models' performance. The results of our analysis demonstrate the performance of each model in terms of accuracy. The LR classifier achieved an accuracy of 56.95 while GB and DT both attained 97.17 98.99 99.29 models in the comparative analysis but also surpassed the state-of-the-art results from previous research. The superior performance of the ET model makes it a compelling choice for accurate and robust epileptic seizure prediction using EEG data.


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