Compressibility-Aware Quantum Algorithms on Strings

by   Daniel Gibney, et al.

Sublinear time quantum algorithms have been established for many fundamental problems on strings. This work demonstrates that new, faster quantum algorithms can be designed when the string is highly compressible. We focus on two popular and theoretically significant compression algorithms – the Lempel-Ziv77 algorithm (LZ77) and the Run-length-encoded Burrows-Wheeler Transform (RL-BWT), and obtain the results below. We first provide a quantum algorithm running in Õ(√(zn)) time for finding the LZ77 factorization of an input string T[1..n] with z factors. Combined with multiple existing results, this yields an Õ(√(rn)) time quantum algorithm for finding the RL-BWT encoding with r BWT runs. Note that r = Θ̃(z). We complement these results with lower bounds proving that our algorithms are optimal (up to polylog factors). Next, we study the problem of compressed indexing, where we provide a Õ(√(rn)) time quantum algorithm for constructing a recently designed Õ(r) space structure with equivalent capabilities as the suffix tree. This data structure is then applied to numerous problems to obtain sublinear time quantum algorithms when the input is highly compressible. For example, we show that the longest common substring of two strings of total length n can be computed in Õ(√(zn)) time, where z is the number of factors in the LZ77 factorization of their concatenation. This beats the best known Õ(n^2/3) time quantum algorithm when z is sufficiently small.


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