Construction of Side Channel Attacks Resistant S-boxes using Genetic Algorithms based on Coordinate Functions

by   Behrooz Khadem, et al.

Background and Objectives: Substitution-box (s-box) is one of the essential components to create confusion and nonlinear properties in cryptography. To strengthening a cipher against various attacks, including side channel attacks, these boxes need to have numerous security properties. In this paper, a novel method to generate s-boxes is introduced aimed at improving the resistance of s-boxes against side channel attacks. Methods: In the preprocessing phase of this approach, a suitable initial s-box which has some basic security properties is generated by adopting a fast algorithm. Then, in the main stage, using the initial s-box, we generate new s-boxes which not only have the properties of the initial S-box but also have been significantly improved under another set of security properties. To do this, new s-boxes are generated using a genetic algorithm on a particular subset of the linear combination set of coordinate functions of the initial s-box in the preprocessing stage. Results: The performed experiments demonstrate that the values of all security properties of these new s-boxes, especially the measures of transparency order, signal-to-noise ratio, confusion coefficient, bijection property, fixed point, and opposite fixed points, have been substantially improved. For example, our experiments indicate that 70, 220, 2071, 43, and 406 s-boxes are found better than the initial s-box, respectively, in the dimensions of 4x4 through 8x8 Conclusion: In this article, a new s-box construction method is introduced in which the properties related to side channel attacks are improved, without reducing other security properties. Besides, some results obtained from generated s-boxes in the dimensions of 4x4 through 8x8 demonstrated that the generated s-boxes are not only improved relative to the initial s-box, but in some cases, considerably better than some well-known s-boxes.


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