Curriculum Vitae Recommendation Based on Text Mining

by   Honorio Apaza Alanoca, et al.

During the last years, the development in diverse areas related to computer science and internet, allowed to generate new alternatives for decision making in the selection of personnel for state and private companies. In order to optimize this selection process, the recommendation systems are the most suitable for working with explicit information related to the likes and dislikes of employers or end users, since this information allows to generate lists of recommendations based on collaboration or similarity of content. Therefore, this research takes as a basis these characteristics contained in the database of curricula and job offers, which correspond to the Peruvian ambit, which highlights the experience, knowledge and skills of each candidate, which are described in textual terms or words. This research focuses on the problem: how we can take advantage from the growth of unstructured information about job offers and curriculum vitae on different websites for CV recommendation. So, we use the techniques from Text Mining and Natural Language Processing. Then, as a relevant technique for the present study, we emphasize the technique frequency of the Term - Inverse Frequency of the documents (TF-IDF), which allows identifying the most relevant CVs in relation to a job offer of website through the average values (TF-IDF). So, the weighted value can be used as a qualification value of the relevant curriculum vitae for the recommendation.


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