Deep Dive into the Language of International Relations: NLP-based Analysis of UNESCO's Summary Records

by   Joanna Wojciechowska, et al.

Cultural heritage is an arena of international relations that interests all states worldwide. The inscription process on the UNESCO World Heritage List and the UNESCO Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity often leads to tensions and conflicts among states. This research addresses these challenges by developing automatic tools that provide valuable insights into the decision-making processes regarding inscriptions to the two lists mentioned above. We propose innovative topic modelling and tension detection methods based on UNESCO's summary records. Our analysis achieved a commendable accuracy rate of 72 application tailored for diplomats, lawyers, political scientists, and international relations researchers that facilitates the efficient search of paragraphs from selected documents and statements from specific speakers about chosen topics. This application is a valuable resource for enhancing the understanding of complex decision-making dynamics within international heritage inscription procedures.


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