Designing to detect heteroscedasticity in a regression model

by   Alessandro Lanteri, et al.

We consider the problem of designing experiments to detect the presence of a specified heteroscedastity in a non-linear Gaussian regression model. In this framework, we focus on the D_s- and KL-criteria and study their relationship with the noncentrality parameter of the asymptotic chi-squared distribution of a likelihood-based test, for local alternatives. Specifically, we found that when the variance function depends just on one parameter, the two criteria coincide asymptotically and in particular, the D_1-criterion is proportional to the noncentrality parameter. Differently, if the variance function depends on a vector of parameters, then the KL-optimum design converges to the design that maximizes the noncentrality parameter. Furthermore, we confirm our theoretical findings through a simulation study concerning the computation of asymptotic and exact powers of the log-likelihood ratio statistic.


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