Designing Truthful Contextual Multi-Armed Bandits based Sponsored Search Auctions

by   Kumar Abhishek, et al.

For sponsored search auctions, we consider contextual multi-armed bandit problem in the presence of strategic agents. In this setting, at each round, an advertising platform (center) runs an auction to select the best-suited ads relevant to the query posted by the user. It is in the best interest of the center to select an ad that has a high expected value (i.e., probability of getting a click × value it derives from a click of the ad). The probability of getting a click (CTR) is unknown to the center and depends on the user's profile (context) posting the query. Further, the value derived for a click is the private information to the advertiser and thus needs to be elicited truthfully. The existing solution in this setting is not practical as it suffers from very high regret (O(T^2/3)).


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