DHT-based Edge and Fog Computing Systems: Infrastructures and Applications

Intending to support new emerging applications with latency requirements below what can be offered by the cloud data centers, the edge and fog computing paradigms have reared. In such systems, the real-time instant data is processed closer to the edge of the network, instead of the remote data centers. With the advances in edge and fog computing systems, novel and efficient solutions based on Distributed Hash Tables (DHTs) emerge and play critical roles in system design. Several DHT-based solutions have been proposed to either augment the scalability and efficiency of edge and fog computing infrastructures or to enable application-specific functionalities such as task and resource management. This paper presents the first comprehensive study on the state-of-the-art DHT-based architectures in edge and fog computing systems from the lenses of infrastructure and application. Moreover, the paper details the open problems and discusses future research guidelines for the DHT-based edge and fog computing systems.


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