Diversity, Productivity, and Growth of Open Source Developer Communities

by   Qingye Jiang, et al.

The open source development model has become a paradigm shift from traditional in-house/closed-source software development model, with many successes. Traditionally, open source projects were characterized essentially by their individual volunteer developers. Such tradition has changed significantly with the participation of many organizations in particular. However, there exists a knowledge gap concerning how open source developer communities evolve. In this paper, we present some observations on open source developer communities. In particular, we analyze git repositories of 20 well-known open source projects, with over 3 million commit activities in total. The analysis has been carried out in three respects, productivity, diversity and growth using the Spearman's rank correlation coefficient, diversity index and the Gompertz/logistic curves, respectively. We find out that (a) the Spearman's rank correlation coefficient between active contributors and commit activities reveals how changes in the size of the developer community impacts the productivity of the community; (b) the diversity index of an open source developer community reveals the structure of the community; and (c) the growth of open source developer communities can be described using different phases of growth curves as in many organic matters.


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