Domain Adaptation of Majority Votes via Perturbed Variation-based Label Transfer

by   Emilie Morvant, et al.

We tackle the PAC-Bayesian Domain Adaptation (DA) problem. This arrives when one desires to learn, from a source distribution, a good weighted majority vote (over a set of classifiers) on a different target distribution. In this context, the disagreement between classifiers is known crucial to control. In non-DA supervised setting, a theoretical bound - the C-bound - involves this disagreement and leads to a majority vote learning algorithm: MinCq. In this work, we extend MinCq to DA by taking advantage of an elegant divergence between distribution called the Perturbed Varation (PV). Firstly, justified by a new formulation of the C-bound, we provide to MinCq a target sample labeled thanks to a PV-based self-labeling focused on regions where the source and target marginal distributions are closer. Secondly, we propose an original process for tuning the hyperparameters. Our framework shows very promising results on a toy problem.


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